Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Creative Commons Licence


sunset by Yang Xiao Yun is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

 I took a picture of the sunset on my way home from school. I think it is an interesting photo as it shows both the sunset and afternoon sky. And in the far back behind the MRT line you can see a few clouds that seems to be glowing brightly due to the afternooon sun,giving off a nostalgic feeling. The blue skies remind me of the afternoon sky even though it's already 7:09 p.m. in the night . It shows that the day passes by slowly as the sun sets patiently with a pinkish-red glow at the back of the picture.The picture really shows a pleasent contrast between the colour red and blue along with the mrt line with white patch of clouds as their divider. I prefer the blue sky as it's telling me that the day isn't over yet as I have many more things to do in life or that day. Overall that day I love the contrast shown on the picture,giving off interesting messages to me!  :) XD :p

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