Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All you need is Love - What is Love?

“All You Need is LOVE: From Chagall to Kusama and Hatsune Miku” exhibition is a celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of Mori Art Museum in Tokyo this year.

I personally have not been to this exhibition yet. Ever since I read the news of the opening of the All You Need is LOVE exhibition, I have been yearning to explore this in my own eyes. Instead of staring into the computer screen and browsing the pages of what All You Need is LOVE is really about, I wish I could be there to experience the "love".

What is All You Need is LOVE about? The tagline of this exhibition is “Love, Now More Than Ever.” The exhibition of the theme of “love” conveys a message that love is the most precious things for human beings. Approximately 200 works are displayed with a wide range of celebrated contributions, arts history and ambitious new works. These 200 works are explorations of love in myriad forms – a beginning of romantic love, an extension to family love and love for mankind. Not just the surface, the expression of love has the ability to transcend conflict of every sort – straying into realms of hatred and jealousy. All You Need is LOVE presents renowned works expressing love in its many forms that includes new kinds of bond we forge in connecting the world with technology today.

All You Need is LOVE is an experience of love anew through the medium of art. Out of these 200 artworks of “love”, Wearing LOVE by fashion designer Kosuke Tsumura is my personal “love”. It is a direct and practical way of love to from a fashion designer to the society. This installation features Final Home, a Japanese fashion brand with a concept “Survival – Protection – Function – Recycle.” These four words explained it all. These disposed recyclable coats can be taken to any Final Home stores and donated to help refugees or disaster victims. Indeed, this fashion designer thinks deep.

“If we lose our house because of a disaster, war or unemployment, as a fashion designer, what kind of clothes would I propose – and how would they look in trouble-free times?” said Kosuke Tsumura. Wearing LOVE is how he, as a fashion designer expresses his love to mankind. It is to keep you safe.

All you need is "love", is exhibition that conveys a strong message of "love". It acts as a reminder to us to express love not only to the people around us, but to the world. What is “love” to you? How would you express your love? Do it right now. 

For more information on All You Need is LOVE, please refer to

Photo credit: h.morsel / / CC BY-NC

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