Friday, November 1, 2013

Annual Night Fest At SAM

The Singapore Night Festival is an annual event that started years ago. The August 2013 event is the 6th one held and by far the largest one yet. It stretched from Plaza Singapura all the way to Raffles City. It showcases Lights shows, local performances and there was also free admission to Singapore Art museum, Singapore national Museum and Peranakan Museum.
The Night Festival this year went on for four days on Fridays & Saturdays, and goes on from 7pm to 2am. The Light shows on the white coloured museum buildings are what attracts passer-by the most. Once the passer-by come and stay to look at the light show, they usually decide to explore the museum even further as there is free entry. The Night Festival had more twice more partners this year to contribute compared to previous years. Singapore Night festival has successfully spread arts and culture to us in it's unique way.
Creative Commons License
Night Fest by Ummu Nabilah bte Md jamal lulil is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

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